21 August 2012

10 Wealth Affirmations

  1. I can create the life of my dreams. This is a good place to start because often we are plagued with feelings of insecurity and self-doubt. These feelings can sabotage any positive work we undertake. With this affirmation you create unshakeable self confidence and belief. This builds an important foundation from which to launch your manifesting work.
  2. I am wealthy beyond my wildest dreams. This is a powerful statement which uses the present tense to affirm a life of unlimited wealth. As you repeat this affirmation, imagine how it would feel to experience this level of financial freedom. When you include emotions in your affirmations you shorten the length of time it will take your affirmation to materialize.
  3. I am magnetic to money and it is magnetic to me. This is a wonderful affirmation to increase the opportunities that come your way, for increasing your wealth. People, situations and ideas for making money will flow to you as you repeat this statement daily. Be prepared to act on what you receive and watch your income increase.
  4. I am open and receptive to unexpected financial bonuses. This is an important one. Too often we have very fixed ideas as to where our money can come from. This seriously narrows the channels available to us. Use this affirmation to release all restrictions on the source of your abundance and be prepared to receive unexpected gifts from the universe.
  5. I always put 100% effort into achieving my goals. This affirmation is vital because even with the best of intentions, our energy levels can flag. Repeating this statement on a daily basis will ensure that you keep your motivation and thus your level of commitment and activity at peak levels. Use it before beginning any task or when you feel enthusiasm beginning to dip.
  6. My income increases with every passing day. This is a lovely one because it makes use of the universal Law of Perpetual Motion. Everything in the universe is moving constantly. When you use this affirmation, you align your affirmation with this law twice, increasing your income positively in terms of amount but also daily over time. Very powerful!
  7. The universe is abundant and that includes me. This is one of my personal favourites. When you look around, you can clearly see how abundant the universe is. How many leaves are there on a tree? How many ants in a colony or raindrops in a shower? Use this affirmation to include yourself in the bountiful generosity of the universe and let that energy flow freely in your life.
  8. The source of my income is immediate and endless. This takes the previous affirmation one step further. Use it to remind yourself that there is an unlimited supply for all your needs. By repeating this daily, you open your eyes and your heart to the opportunities that are all around you. If ever you doubt that your needs will be met, this is the affirmation to chant.
  9. I create wealth with honesty and integrity. By using this affirmation, you ensure that all your dealings are aligned with higher universal values. This is vital, in order to keep the flow going. Money that is gained through deception and dishonesty will bring misery in the end. The Law of Attraction will ensure this. This affirmation will keep you attuned to all that is good and positive.
  10. I give thanks for everything I have achieved. A vital part of affirming wealth for yourself is to develop an attitude of gratitude. By taking time to send out thanks for all you have achieved, you keep the flow going, by attracting more things to be thankful for. Keep a gratitude journal and write in it at least 5 things you are grateful for on a daily basis.

Have a lovely rest of your day @ High Frequency!

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