31 August 2012

Affirmations 4 Stress Relief

I can allow myself to relax
Everything is okay,  I am safe
It is easy for me to calm down
All that's important is that I am relaxed
Everything happens for my highest good
I can afford to relax
I can allow myself to enjoy this moment
My will to relax is greater than any thought
I let go of stress with each breath I take
This moment is perfect to relax
Being relaxed is natural to me
The more I let go of stress, the easier my life gets
I enjoy life more when I am relaxed
Letting go of stress is the best thing I can do right now
I am able to relax whenever I choose to do so
It is easy for me to let go of any and all stress 
I allow life to wash over me
I do my best and accept life as it comes.
My life is an island of calm in a sea of certainty
I play with life, laugh with life, dance lightly with life, and smile at the riddles of life
I release each and every struggle
I choose acceptance and compassion toward all humanity
I live with enthusiasm, and give thanks for my life
Today, I will be gentle with myself
When the World Frowns, I Smile Back
I bring Peace into moments of chaos
My Peace is Counterpoint to the Clamor of the World

29 August 2012

Self Confidence Affirmations

I will become confident
My confidence is increasing
I will always believe in myself and my ability to succeed
Every day I become more confident, powerful, and assertive
I am becoming more sure of myself with each passing day
I am finding it easier to have confidence in myself
I am starting to confidently assert my thoughts and opinions
I will always meet a difficult challenge with confident action
I am transforming into someone who always stands up for what they believe in
Others are starting to notice my self confidence
I am confident
I am strong and powerful
I boldly go after what I want in life
I am outgoing and confident in social situations
I believe in myself
I always stand up for myself and my beliefs
I confidently meet any challenge
I confidently speak my mind without hesitation
Others look up to me as a leader because of my confidence
I always express my thoughts and opinions with confidence
Confidence comes naturally to me
I am naturally confident
I have unbreakable confidence within myself
My confidence commands respect and attention
I enjoy being confident and outgoing in social situations
I impress others with my confident assertiveness
Confidence empowers me to take action and live life to the fullest
When I see something I want, I just go for it without hesitation
Developing confidence will improve my life
Feeling confident, assured, and strong is a normal part of my every day life

28 August 2012

80 Daily Gratitude Affirmations

  1. I am grateful. 
  2. I am attracting good into my life. 
  3. My daily attitude is one of gratitude. 
  4. I am seeing greatness all around me. 
  5. I am feeling that I have a grateful heart. 
  6. I am a magnet for good and for that good… I am grateful. 
  7. I see abundance all around me. I am grateful. 
  8. I am filled with happiness and gratitude. 
  9. I am learning each day to be grateful. 
  10. I just feel grateful each morning. 
  11. Abundance comes to me because I am grateful. 
  12. I am learning to appreciate all I have. 
  13. I am grateful and thankful for all goodness God has given me. 
  14. I give thanks daily for blessings that flow into my life. 
  15. I am grateful for my health. 
  16. I feel profound gratitude for all I am and all I have. 
  17. I know gratitude is a daily choice and I choose to be grateful.
  18. I am blessed in so many ways and am deeply grateful
  19. I am grateful for my life and growing consciousness within it
  20. I am profoundly grateful for the power granted me to command the formless intelligence all around me.
  21. The more grateful I am, the more my soul may live in close touch with God.
  22. My soul continuously rejoices and unites with my experience as I engage in gratitude.
  23. Gratitude opens the door for my essence to flow through my life, and spirit blessings to pour into all that I choose to create.
  24. Gratefulness is how I return energy to the universe for the bounty I am blessed with.
  25. The more grateful I am, the more blessed I am.
  26. The more grateful I am, the more connected I am to the source and power of creation.
  27. I am deeply grateful to the Creator who wants me to thrive in life.
  28. I now immerse in gratitude and cultivate it as a habit.
  29. In profound gratitude, I am in a harmonious relationship with the formless Substance out of which my life emerges. 
  30. By my gratitude, I am close to the source of abundance.
  31. My subconscious mind is continually finding things that I am grateful for. 
  32. In my sleep, I am continually fed inspirations to support me to develop a habit of gratitude in life.
  33. I am able and willing to embrace all experiences and derive the gifts they hold for me. 
  34. I am grateful for life hugging me in a perfect reflective way.
  35. I release all resistance to any part of my life and accept it all, knowing it is there as ‘love in action’.
  36. I release all bitterness, resentment and dissatisfaction that I may see the blessings I’ve missed.
  37. In gratitude I am at peace with my life and able to withdraw from non-serving energies and focus wholly on creating wonderful things in great joy and expectancy.
  38. In gratitude I am fluid energy able to move easily with life and direct it according to my desires born of love.
  39. In gratitude I am inwardly free and unattached to specific outcomes; everything that comes to me is imbued with divine wisdom.
  40. With a grateful heart I see opportunities for growth and joy everywhere.
  41. My gratitude reaches God and God moves towards me.
  42. My gratitude reaches the source of abundance and the source rushes towards me. 
  43. In gratitude, I love unconditionally and become infinite being with infinite potential.
  44. I am capable of doing what I do because others have come before me. I am grateful for the world I see. 
  45. I engage and enjoy the luminous divine Essence in all who enter my life.
  46. I am grateful for all the players in my life. Everyone in my life is “love in action”. 
  47. I appreciate all people in my life, for each one brings an opportunity for learning to me.
  48. I now experience being fully supported by everyone in my life.
  49. I am strongly and constantly grateful for all that is in my life.
  50. Gratitude keeps me connected to the power of the universe.
  51. Gratitude is love, and my heart opens to receive all the blessings coming my way.
  52. The grateful mind focuses on the best.
  53. I focus on the best in everything and everyone, and the best appears abundantly for me.
  54. My life is the image of what I give attention to. What a wonderful experience!
  55. I am thinking Substance taking the form of what I think about.
  56. I am a lucid dreamer, dreaming wonderful possibilities and potentials.
  57. The grateful mind expects the best. 
  58. I continually expect the best in everything and everyone who enters my life.
  59. I am profoundly connected to the source and power of life through the love that I am.
  60. I am profoundly connected to the source and power of life through continual gratitude.
  61. I breathe in the beauty, abundance and goodness of life; it abounds.
  62. I see only abundance and supply all around me; how wonderful to be alive.
  63. I am loved my God and in deep gratefulness, I allow myself to take this love in deeply.
  64. Before going to sleep, I release all idle thoughts and focus on all my blessings.
  65. As I count my blessings, my blessings grow.
  66. As I am grateful to others, they are gracious to me.
  67. In gratefulness, I give back to the universe and I am fulfilled.
  68. Being in gratitude is heavenly.
  69. In gratitude I am in harmony with the creative energies of the universe.
  70. By continual gratitude, I am open to receiving God’s grace.
  71. I am deeply and continuously grateful, and thereby I align to the outcomes of greatest blessing.
  72. I am grateful and thereby allow more supply into my life for which to be grateful!
  73. I release all concern as to how to feed, clothe, or supply my world, and turn all my thoughts to expressing the love that I am in freedom and joy.
  74. The grateful mind expands to embrace even more of the blessings of life—I am continuously grateful and expanding. 
  75. I dwell only on the best and the blessings, and I become the best, blessed, and a blessing unto others. 
  76. Faith is born of gratitude; I have faith and am filled with joyous expectancy.
  77. I continuously expect great things and am deeply grateful in advance.
  78. I am so grateful to be alive!
  79. I am so very grateful for my wonderful, loving, understanding & beautiful family.
  80. I am grateful for all the miracles nature has to offer me now, and in the future.

24 August 2012

Butterfly "Tree"

Last week I was walking with my son to the trainstation, to go to the swimmingpool. We noticed that a "tree" drawed a lot of butterflies, in all sorts and colors. In Holland we call this plant a " butterfly tree" cause it obviously attracts butterflies. I was able to make a picture of only two of them, because they where flying around constantly, we have to get this "butterfly tree" for our own backyard, wonderful!

21 August 2012

10 Wealth Affirmations

  1. I can create the life of my dreams. This is a good place to start because often we are plagued with feelings of insecurity and self-doubt. These feelings can sabotage any positive work we undertake. With this affirmation you create unshakeable self confidence and belief. This builds an important foundation from which to launch your manifesting work.
  2. I am wealthy beyond my wildest dreams. This is a powerful statement which uses the present tense to affirm a life of unlimited wealth. As you repeat this affirmation, imagine how it would feel to experience this level of financial freedom. When you include emotions in your affirmations you shorten the length of time it will take your affirmation to materialize.
  3. I am magnetic to money and it is magnetic to me. This is a wonderful affirmation to increase the opportunities that come your way, for increasing your wealth. People, situations and ideas for making money will flow to you as you repeat this statement daily. Be prepared to act on what you receive and watch your income increase.
  4. I am open and receptive to unexpected financial bonuses. This is an important one. Too often we have very fixed ideas as to where our money can come from. This seriously narrows the channels available to us. Use this affirmation to release all restrictions on the source of your abundance and be prepared to receive unexpected gifts from the universe.
  5. I always put 100% effort into achieving my goals. This affirmation is vital because even with the best of intentions, our energy levels can flag. Repeating this statement on a daily basis will ensure that you keep your motivation and thus your level of commitment and activity at peak levels. Use it before beginning any task or when you feel enthusiasm beginning to dip.
  6. My income increases with every passing day. This is a lovely one because it makes use of the universal Law of Perpetual Motion. Everything in the universe is moving constantly. When you use this affirmation, you align your affirmation with this law twice, increasing your income positively in terms of amount but also daily over time. Very powerful!
  7. The universe is abundant and that includes me. This is one of my personal favourites. When you look around, you can clearly see how abundant the universe is. How many leaves are there on a tree? How many ants in a colony or raindrops in a shower? Use this affirmation to include yourself in the bountiful generosity of the universe and let that energy flow freely in your life.
  8. The source of my income is immediate and endless. This takes the previous affirmation one step further. Use it to remind yourself that there is an unlimited supply for all your needs. By repeating this daily, you open your eyes and your heart to the opportunities that are all around you. If ever you doubt that your needs will be met, this is the affirmation to chant.
  9. I create wealth with honesty and integrity. By using this affirmation, you ensure that all your dealings are aligned with higher universal values. This is vital, in order to keep the flow going. Money that is gained through deception and dishonesty will bring misery in the end. The Law of Attraction will ensure this. This affirmation will keep you attuned to all that is good and positive.
  10. I give thanks for everything I have achieved. A vital part of affirming wealth for yourself is to develop an attitude of gratitude. By taking time to send out thanks for all you have achieved, you keep the flow going, by attracting more things to be thankful for. Keep a gratitude journal and write in it at least 5 things you are grateful for on a daily basis.

Have a lovely rest of your day @ High Frequency!

50 Spiritual Affirmations

  1. My spirituality boldly expresses my Faith in God.
  2. I AM bold in the Power and Love of Jesus Christ.
  3. My Faith can move mountains by the mere thought of it.
  4. I boldly proclaim that I AM a believer in Jesus Christ.
  5. My spirituality is drawn from a deep Faith in God.
  6. I practice my spirituality daily.
  7. I tap into my spirituality to make any minor or major decisions.
  8. My Faith increases my daily spiritual progression path.
  9. My spiritual progression path grows stronger with daily practice.
  10. My spiritually is based on the fact that Jesus IS God made flesh.
  11. I always choose the path of most love.
  12. I choose love in every moment.
  13. Everything I do adds love to the world.
  14. I trust that everything comes at the perfect time and in the perfect way.
  15. The universe works in perfect ways. It always serves my higher good.
  16. Whatever I need to know is revealed to me.
  17. Whatever I need comes to me in divine right order.
  18. Everything I need, or need to know, is available to me in stillness.
  19. Thank you, God, for opening my eyes to what I need to see.
  20. My energy is open and flowing in every area of my life.
  21. My days are filled with fun and meaningful activities.
  22. My choices and possibilities are expanding every day.
  23. My thoughts are loving and positive.
  24. I expect only the best to happen and it does.
  25. I believe something wonderful will happen to me today.
  26. I choose to live well past my 100th birthday, robustly healthy all the way.
  27. I focus on what I love and thus draw it to me.
  28. As I do what I love, money and abundance flow freely to me.
  29. I gladly and proudly accept all the abundance the universe has to offer.
  30. I choose to live an abundant life.
  31. I live in an abundant universe. I always have everything I need.
  32. I trust my ever-increasing ability to create abundance.
  33. The things I create are even better than I imagined them to be.
  34. I am financially independent and free.
  35. I always have much more money coming in than going out.
  36. Thank you, God, for bringing so much money into my life.
  37. All the money I spend brings me joy.
  38. I am living a prosperous life with no limits.
  39. My wealth allows me to serve God more deeply and completely than I ever dreamed possible. 
  40. I speak of success and prosperity. My words uplift and inspire others.
  41. The greatest gift I give others is the example of my own life working.
  42. I am a shining example of spiritual and physical well-being.
  43. I am not my body. I am not my mind. I am spirit.
  44. I am a drop of God in a sea of God.
  45. I am boundless love. I am infinite joy. I am inexhaustible energy.
  46. I am radiant health. I am eternal youth. I am unlimited abundance.
  47. I naturally attract loving relationships into my life.
  48. I radiate self-esteem, inner peace, love, well-being, and joy.
  49. I see the beauty and presence of God in every soul who crosses my path.
  50. I take great joy in hearing about the good fortune of others.
Daily Spiritual Affirmation

17 August 2012

30 Relationship Affirmations

  1. I have nothing but love for my partner.
  2. I love my sI have nothing but love for my partner.
  3. I love my son/daughter and get along fine with him/her.
  4. Though I am an independent individual, I love and respect my parents and know that they wish only the best for me.
  5. My fiancée is simply out of this world and our love for each other knows no bounds.
  6. My boss appreciates my work and helps me grow.
  7. My employees are hardworking and honest and I appreciate and love them.
  8. I love everybody and in turn, everybody loves me.
  9. My husband/wife is ideal for me and we reciprocate each other in everything we do.
  10. In my life, I attract only those people who are in sync with me and who love me unconditionally.
  11. I love my children unconditionally and accept them as they are.
  12. As a teacher, I give my best. My students understand my teaching and love me.
  13. I am a model student. My teachers are the best. I love them and their teaching.
  14. __________ and I are friends forever. We understand and compliment each other perfectly.
  15. My brother/sister and I are a perfect foil for each other. We love, respect and appreciate each other always.
  16. My life partner/lover and I are soul mates. We compliment each other, respect each other and love each other immensely.on/daughter and get along fine with him/her.
  17. Though I am an independent individual, I love and respect my parents and know that they wish only the best for me.
  18. My fiancée is simply out of this world and our love for each other knows no bounds.
  19. My boss appreciates my work and helps me grow.
  20. My employees are hardworking and honest and I appreciate and love them.
  21. I love everybody and in turn, everybody loves me.
  22. My husband/wife is ideal for me and we reciprocate each other in everything we do.
  23. In my life, I attract only those people who are in sync with me and who love me unconditionally.
  24. I love my children unconditionally and accept them as they are.
  25. As a teacher, I give my best. My students understand my teaching and love me.
  26. I am a model student. My teachers are the best. I love them and their teaching.
  27. __________ and I are friends forever. We understand and compliment each other perfectly.
  28. My brother/sister and I are a perfect foil for each other. We love, respect and appreciate each other always.
  29. My life partner/lover and I are soul mates. We compliment each other, respect each other and love each other immensely.
  30. _______________ and my love is forever and nobody/nothing can take us apart.

13 August 2012

07 August 2012

Beautiful Butterfly

I was on my way to musuc practice last Saturday and look what I spotted on the wall of our neighbours "Shed". Isn't mother nature just amazing people? Take a look at the perfect drawings on it...breathtaking :-)