11 November 2012

Explanation Numbers of the Angels (91/120 of 999)

Have a Blessed Sunday!

Keep your mind focussed on your lightwork & divine life purpose. Stay positive and know that you have the qualifications & strength to help and heal others.

Believe in yourself and your ability to fulfill your divine life purpose.

The illuminated masters are there to help you with this project, the more, because it is connected to your divine life purpose.

The angels ask you to stay focussed and bring more love & light into the world.

The changes you are going through or considering, are holy to your divine life purpose.

Devote yourself with heart & soul to your divine life purpose, and all your needs will be fullfilled & realized. You are ready, your lightwork is needed.

You are on the right track to manifest your divine life purpose. Keep going and be even more open to give & receice love.

When you are fully devoted to your divine life purpose of light & love, the money will come naturally. Focus only on being serviceable and you will always have enough left for yourself and to share with others.

Go to work Lightworker! Your divine lightwork is needed now more than ever. Bringing more love & light to this world is your biggest and most important task. The preparations of your divine life purpose are now rounded.

Let your thoughts be in complete harmony with Gods love & light. Your positive thoughts & deeds are making a world of difference – especially now.

Let your thinking be fully towards God. Be creative, just like the Creator. Know, that your heavenly plan will advance when you keep focussing your mind on peace.

God and the universal wisdom lever your thoughts and help you keep the faith in this situation. Ask God to help you overcome all doubts.

Your thoughts and intentions are being supported by God and the illuminated masters. Call on them repeatedly to let them lead your thoughts & intentions. They will keep you focussed on your divine truth in every way.

God and the angels support all your positive thoughts. While you are meditating on a godly matter. Feel their intens love for you. Keep your mind focussed on love , and call on to heaven to re-direct your thoughts, where needed.

Dare to call on to God to get clearification about the changes you are going through or considering. Ask God to help you frequently, to make sure these changes are running smooth & gracious.

Your material needs are being fulfilled without any problems at all by manifesting with unconditonal love dignity. Give money & material matters over to God and trust you will be provided in all your needs.

The road to manifestation runs through God, by following godly advises. You are on the right track, but keep spending much time & energy talking to the Spirit, to ensure permanent succes.

Your believes and attitude towards God bring you many forms of cornucopia. Just like the creator, you can share this wealth with other easily. Stay positive and also teach others to be positive, especially towards material needs.

God lifts your consiousness towards your godly life purpose. Stay mentally & emotionally connected to God, so he can give you advice, courage and support.

Keep your mind focussed on God & love, because you are creating your reality by your thoughts & views. Devote yourself to creative activities & avoid addictive behaviour.

An energetic gate opened up for you, whereby your thoughts are manifesting rapidly into reality. Choose your thougths carefully in this period and make sure they equal your wishes.

Keep your thoughts breasy, optimistic & hopefull, especially towards your future. Have faith in your manifesting abilities.

The illuminated masters, especially the Goddesses, are helping you to keep your mind positive and loving. If you are having negative thoughts or feelings, or are involved in unpleasant situations, you can call on them immediately.

Think as an angel and see yourself, others and every situation on it's best! This way, you will work miracles, you'll see.

Your powerful intentions are guiding you through this transition period. Stay positive and focussed in these times of great change.

Your optimism, affirmations and visualizations are starting up a slow stream of material needs. You have the power to manifest everything you need, now and in the future.

You are on the right track with your positive affirmations and intentions. You envision the best, that is why the best is happening to you.

Your positive and optimistic thoughts and visualizations are manifesting a wave of prosperity. Your giving and taking are in perfect balance.

Keep your thoughts and opinions about your holy life purpose positive. Excpect succes in everything that you do, especially when it is connected to your spiritual path & holy life purpose.

God advices you strongly to hold on tight to your positive thoughts. Everything will work out for the highest spiritual good.

Good look recognizing the numbers of the angels coming weeks. More numbers of angels coming up within days so stay tuned! 


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